Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dec Break

Oh my!! It's been some time since I last posted!!  I was wonderful to meet with a few of you over parent/teacher meetings.  I really appreciate all your interest in the OT program, and working together.

As mentioned during those meetings,  I will be returning Jan 3 to re-start session!  My last treatments were on Dec 7th, and all should have received updated notes.

LOTS is planned for Jan.  Greatly starting to modify children work and learning areas. 

I also love to hear or send in a list of the toys your children receive for Christmas.  There are so many different ways to use games, toys, and other gifts to tap into different skill building. 

Have a wonderful holiday season, and look forward to working toward in 2013!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The ABC's of OT sessions

Here is a handout to use at home to practice Letter Recognition, letter formation, and Upper vs. Lower case.
I worked with quite a few student this week on matching Big letter to little letter.  Playing a memory game, and pairing up objects with what letter they start with. 

Use this handout to continue those lesson.  Make up your own fun games, or see if your child can recall the ones we played during OT sessions.
For example, make up card with each letter.  Have your child go on a word hunt.  They have to tape a card to one object that starts with that letter.  Practice the sound that letter makes.