Thursday, March 14, 2013

Start up

OT session starting up again March 25th at SFA.

Excited to see all my little friends, and how they have grown.

Will be sending out paperwork, so keep your eyes on the look next week.

Ms. Grace

Monday, January 21, 2013

Stickers and Tubes

This weeks fun task will word on fine motor, Letter recognition, spatial relations, ID words that start with each letter, and following a three step task.  Working on attention span building to complete task.

Fun, easy, and cheap.
Can also do with numbers, and later for spell. 
For example, Put your child's name on the tube, and have then find the sticker to sequence spelling their name correctly.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dec Break

Oh my!! It's been some time since I last posted!!  I was wonderful to meet with a few of you over parent/teacher meetings.  I really appreciate all your interest in the OT program, and working together.

As mentioned during those meetings,  I will be returning Jan 3 to re-start session!  My last treatments were on Dec 7th, and all should have received updated notes.

LOTS is planned for Jan.  Greatly starting to modify children work and learning areas. 

I also love to hear or send in a list of the toys your children receive for Christmas.  There are so many different ways to use games, toys, and other gifts to tap into different skill building. 

Have a wonderful holiday season, and look forward to working toward in 2013!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The ABC's of OT sessions

Here is a handout to use at home to practice Letter Recognition, letter formation, and Upper vs. Lower case.
I worked with quite a few student this week on matching Big letter to little letter.  Playing a memory game, and pairing up objects with what letter they start with. 

Use this handout to continue those lesson.  Make up your own fun games, or see if your child can recall the ones we played during OT sessions.
For example, make up card with each letter.  Have your child go on a word hunt.  They have to tape a card to one object that starts with that letter.  Practice the sound that letter makes. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

The gift of OT.

The holiday's are a OT's dream in the school world.
For one, I have to say 89% of OT have some crafting hobby.  Not to mention, the history of OT actually started with crafting. 

In the 1700's, during the "Age of Enlightenment", Occupational Therapy began to emerge. It was during this period that revolutionary ideas were evolving regarding the "infirmed" and mentally ill. At that time in history, the mentally ill were treated like prisoners; locked up and considered to be a danger to society.

It was the use of crafting, that taught the mentally ill new skills.  From how to socialize, to motor planning, to direction following.

In 1793, Phillipe Pinel began what was then called "Moral Treatment and Occupation", as an approach to treating people with mental illness.  Much later on, knowing to be Occupational Therapy.

In fact, the OT education still holds a great follow in the study of emotions and mental health.

Well, 1840-1860 were the "golden years" for the application of Moral Treatment and Occupation in American hospitals. It was during this time that the benefits of arts and crafts began to be noticed. Arts and crafts thus became a highly used activity to promote both relaxation and feelings of being productive, at the same time. A whole new approach was just about to emerge!

From the 1940's through the 1960's, the "Rehabilitation Movement" was in full force. With the thousands of injured soldiers (physically and mentally) returning home from the war, there was a surge in the demand for Occupational Therapists (or, OT's as we now call ourselves). At this point, OT's were not only treating the mentally ill who were already institutionalized, but began treating physical disabilities due to the injuries sustained in battle.

Using what tools??? CRAFTING

I tell you this, so you can see the history of OT, and the benefit doing crafts can be.  This isn't just a meanless task.  It has history!!  It's changed people of all kinds life.

So this season, think of your child as being apart of history in OT.  Making a gift for a loved one.  Creating a decoration for your home.  Inspiring a piece of art work that brings you and your child together, while adding 

Here are a few of my favorite ideas!!
Merry Hands .  Foam cut outs, and add for sparkle

sugar cookie fun!  A great gift for teacher, or party!  

Something for the tree that a Aunt, Brother, Cousin, Friend.. and so on will LOVE!   
I will be doing some fun activities with your children this month, and I hope they feel proud of the crafting skills they have.  Each of my students, your children, are what the spirit of Christmas is all about.  Joy, Happiness, and finding the fun or magic in a holiday gift.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sit up Straight

Maybe all those old time nuns in school didn't have it fully wrong.  Posture is key, and crucial in a child's ability to learn, write, gain motor control, prevent long term joint misalignment and so much more.

So yes, I have in my own way, become the new Ms. Grace "Nun" of sitting.

Here are a few reason's why.

1) If your feet are not on the floor,  then chances are they are kicking around, siding off to the side, and surely looking to at some point get your child to stand up. 
Believe it or not, not having a grounded foundation of just having feet on a stable surface leads to fatigue, and the body getting a sensory input that is distracting. 

2) If the feet are not stable, then I assure you that the hips, back, shoulders, arms, wrist, hands are not as well.  It is all connect.

3) Grounded feet give sensory input that is calming.  This is especially important for any of the children I've sent notes saying maybe : "Hyper stimulated with sensory input", "Low Tone in trunk", "easily distracted by basic position changes" " Stands and fidgets with tasks".

I am not asking your child has to become a perfect solider of sitting, but their are some key points that will provide an environment promoting better learning.

*First is a foot box.  Your child should not be barely touching the floor.

*A writing surface where the arms are bent close to 90 at the elbows. Who wants to be writing with the hands by their ears?

*Slightly bending forward at hips is just fine, and a nice neutral relaxed posture. 

*However, think bending at hips, not fully at lower back.

*For poor wrist flexion (meaning the hand curves down vs. top of hand bending up and towards the forearm), I suggest a slant board.

*  For over or low stimulated children.  A chair with arms.  This helps so so much with focusing the child, and giving sensory boundaries.  I have one at school I use, and Ms. Baily will use in class.  Trust me, this small change is a miracle worker!  I use it even with my 3yr old sometimes.

Here are a few examples of work area changes. If you want me to email photo's of your child's work stations I do at school then just send me your email to

Theraband around the legs of a classroom chair for the student to kick into to get proprioceptive input while sitting. This allows the student to fidget and receive sensory input, which can help with the student's ability to focus, concentrate and most importantly, remain seated. This also works well for fidgety children who can't sit still at the dinner table long enough to get through a meal with their family.

Slant foot board and hip support.
Use of Slant board to bring wrist to netural


DYI Slant Board.  Binder, and clip.  Use a non-skid material underneath to keep binder from moving!


                                                                  After with a foot box support. 

Foot Box, and nonskid material.  I used under the worksheet as well to prevent the students paper from shifting as he works.  This becomes a huge issue for children with poor attention span, starting and terminating task.  Even children with poor motor plan or spatial awareness. As once the work shifts, paper rotates, and so on.. it results in a pause in task and hence increased difficulty finishing the task.

Over thanksgiving break play around with your children play environment while they color, do a craft of cutting and gluing, eating, and so on.

Happy Thanksgiving!! I truly value your wonderful child, and have seen them working so hard and doing so so well!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Parent/Teacher night

I will be available to meet with the parents of children receiving OT at SFA during the parent/teachers night.

Just let me or your child's teacher know if you like a schedule an OT meeting as well.

my email again is

So looking forward to seeing you, and talking about your child's progress!